Formerly Connect Cairns, Connect FNQ is your local B2B platform servicing businesses in the FNQ region. We’re here to support you by linking local businesses and professionals across industries and skillsets.

Through our magazine and online platform, we aim to expose the opportunities available to local businesses, build greater connections, and keep you up to date with the latest in our key industry sectors of Business, Finance, Agriculture, Tourism, Marketing and Property.

Our content has been designed for the professionals who take inspiration from like-minded entrepreneurs and industry leaders in our region, and who, like us, are genuinely interested in seeing our region thrive above excellence.

Have you got something you’d like to see featured in the next issue? Get in touch  we’d love to hear from you!


Formerly Connect Cairns, Connect FNQ is your local B2B platform servicing businesses in the FNQ region. We’re here to support you by linking local businesses and professionals across industries and skillsets.

Through our magazine and online platform, we aim to expose the opportunities available to local businesses, build greater connections, and keep you up to date with the latest in our key industry sectors of Business, Finance, Agriculture, Tourism, Marketing and Property.

Our content has been designed for the professionals who take inspiration from like-minded entrepreneurs and industry leaders in our region, and who, like us, are genuinely interested in seeing our region thrive above excellence.

Have you got something you’d like to see featured in the next issue? Get in touch  we’d love to hear from you!